Here are 10 more easy {and budget friendly} tips and tricks for all you homemakers out there!
2. A little heat makes old tape work like new: sometimes, masking tape that's been sitting on a shelf for years won’t pull off the roll without tearing. Freshen it by microwaving it for 10 seconds. Heat softens the adhesive for easy release
3. Add baking soda to the water when you hard boil eggs. It raises the pH of the water and makes them easier to peel by reducing the albumen's ability to stick to the shell.
4. Strip towels of detergent buildup and make them smell brand new. Wash towels in hot water with one cup distilled white vinegar. Wash towels again in hot water with 1/2 cup baking soda. Run through dryer and towels smell better than ever!
5. How to clean your stainless steel kitchen sink {recipe here}
6. Use nail polish to prevent rust. Coat the bottom of a shaving-cream can to fend off rust rings on the ledge of the tub.
7. De-tarnish all your silver at once: Line your sink with aluminum foil, add 1/2 cup table salt, 1/2 cup baking soda, fill with hot water, then dump in all your silver! Let sit for about 30 min. The tarnish all transfers to the foil!
8. Use tape to measure distance between the two holes, then put the tape on the wall.
9. How to get rid of yellow armpit stains {instructions here}
Previous tips & tricks posts:
Handy Homemaker Tips & Tricks
Handy Homemaker Tips & Tricks II
Handy Homemaker Tips & Tricks III
Handy Homemaker Tips & Tricks
Handy Homemaker Tips & Tricks II
Handy Homemaker Tips & Tricks III